
15 October 2011

13 Halloween Costumes

Great handmade ideas for baby's first Halloween

This will be my baby’s first ‘official’ Halloween, I say ‘official’ because even though he was 11 months old last year and got to be ‘Robin’ to his bigger brother’s ‘Batman’ he still didn’t walk and…to be honest, didn’t really realized what was going on. So this year it’ll be all different and new, he knows the neighborhood children well and will be able to toddle around for candy too (exciting!).
The dilemma for this year is…what costume? Therefore I have compiled a beautiful {and extremely funny} selection of costumes, imagined and hand made by very clever mums …and also a little treat for the film buff parents like me.
Hope you like it and can take some ideas with you too. Would love to hear what you think of them! x

Image source: 13 / 12 / 11 / 10 / 9 / 8 / 7 / 6 / 5 / 4 / 3 / 2b / 2a / 1


  1. OMG! That Wall-E is way too cute! I actually chuckled to myself about the Mr. T... Not so good while at work!

  2. The wall-e one is the one I will most likely try. Mr T...who would come out with that, and full of detail lol!

  3. these are so cute! i'm stopping by from the follower fest and would love for you to stop by and check out the huge giveaway going on at my blog- xoxo nicole


I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas - thanks for your support!