
10 October 2011

ABCs and Animals for Kids {app}

ABCs and Animals is an interactive set of flash cards designed for infants and toddlers. The interactive flash cards are fun and educational - watch your kids squeal with delight when interacting with the animations. It is recommended to use it with kids older 10 month. A great engaging app {which is educational too} if you need you child settled for a little while eg: taking temperature.. or just to stop crying!

I actually love flashcard apps as it develops my son’s motor skills {gosh he knows his way around an ipod!} and it has been a very useful tool in the development of his language as he is starting to imitate words and applying meaning to them. I wouldn’t recommend it as a regular entertaining tool – not for long periods of time anyway – but surely a few minutes once in a while is more than acceptable…and a welcome ‘time off’  for parents too, I’m sure!

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