
24 October 2011

Weekend Wander {50s American Fun Fair}

A few weekends ago we attended a super fun and extremely colourful 1950s American Street Fun fair at the Northern Quarter {Manchester, UK}.  The whole of Tib Street was closed giving way to Fairground rides, Carnival stalls, music and dancers, cheerleaders and many ‘Pink Ladies’ too.
Great food stalls, and I’m not only talking about the barbequed burgers & sausages but also the candy floss and vintage pink ice cream van. If you felt like resting from so much ‘bopping’or enjoy a refreshment there were plenty of straw bales around {very handy for the kids too}!

There was a competition for the best dressed and so, inevitably, many were dressed to impress in the 50s {and 40s?!} kit with the hairdos to match, back combed quiffs and a lot of polka dots…ohh and if {like me} you forgot your lacquer there were also hairdressers who, for a mere £5, could adorn you with an amazing ‘Grease’ hairdo on the spot.

Hope you enjoy the photos I took on the day, it was a rare sunny day in Manchester, fitting for such a fun and colourful afternoon… it surely was a ‘swell’ day!


  1. That looks like so much fun! Looks like you lucked out on the weather too!

  2. Yes, the 'rare' sun of the North was shining that day!


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