
17 October 2011

Weekend Wander {Manchester Markets}

The Manchester Markets are now a feature of this city, although I never seem to know when they pop up {aside from the Christmas Markets which come at the always obvious time of the time!}, so this weekend there they were...for my astonishment again!
They're full of lovely local produce as well as international food and drink and so the city and its region are always so fully and truthfully represented.
These are very social places and as I am always taken by surprise I constantly feel I never take full advantage and that means seat down and talk for hours whilst feasting in amazing food {and drinks too}....I am forever one of those in the crowd who will have a sneaky paella on the go and some equally 'take-away' kids-friendly nibble {for the boys} and run away from all the other goodies...and yes, there are many.

Hope you like the photos of the 'surprise' markets this weekend...fingers crossed I will prepare for the next ones {they'll be the Christmas ones!}.

Images by me


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