
01 November 2011

Halloween Shennanigans

What Halloween really was like yesterday ::

full Recipe here

This year it was my little button's first {proper} Halloween since last year he was just too small to participate...though he made up for lost time keeping up with the older kids and he truly enjoyed it.

Well it has come and gone, next year the same all over again and now...well, now starts the countdown to Christmas {yay!}

What about you, did you have a fun Halloween? Did you go trick-or-treating {or just playing the chaperone like we do}?! 



  1. Olá Pepper & Buttons,

    Antes de mais gostaria de agradecer por partilhar todas as ideias brilhantes e dicas criativas, aqui encontrei um ponto de inspiracao para a minha propria casa e lar da minha jovem familia. Obrigado.

    Gostei bastante das suas decoracoes de Halloween e os seus pequenos 'monstrozinhos'. Obrigado por partilhar um pouco do que lhe é mais pessoal.

  2. Que comentário maravilhoso, muito Obrigada, é um enorme prazer!

  3. I love your photos! They are just beautiful!


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