
09 December 2011

DIY Cinnamon Bird Ornaments

Good morning sweeties, how are you today? Can't believe another week has just slipped away...can you?! Well, for today's 'crafty make' I'm going to share with you these gorgeous birdies which were found on Martha Stewart's site. Apparently they will migrate to your tree every year and adorn your home with glitter and good will.
They are so easy to make and they make the room smell amazing too!

warning: these are NOT edible.

In a medium bowl mix together 1 cup of ground cinnamon with 1/4 cup of apple sauce.

Stir in 1/2 cup craft glue. Stir the dough until the consistency is smooth and dry and let stand for 1 hour. The apple sauce gives the dough pliability, the craft glue makes it firm and the cinnamon imparts a lovely frangance and a gingerbread colour.

Prepare the dough: Turn out a quarter of the dough into a cool, flat surface. Flatten with your hands.

Flatten with a rolling oin to a 1/4 inch thick. If the dough becomes too dry, sprinkle some water.
If it sticks to the rolling pin or the work surface just sprinkle with additional cinnamon.
Now it's time to cut out the shapes!
Print the bird templates onto card or thick paper and cut them out. Lay the template over the dough and cut out the shape with a knife (or use bird shapd cookie cutters).
Repeat this process with each of the other 3/4 of remaining dough.
 With a straw, poke a hole in the dough as indicated on template (for hanging the ornament).
Air-dry the ornaments on a wire rack lined with paper towels for 24hours, turning them over every 6 hours or so to keep them flat. Alternatively, preheat oven to 200ยบ and tranfer the ornaments to a baking sheet; bake, flipping once, until dry, for about 2 hours.
Once the dough has dried completely, adorn the birds with markings inspired by nature or your imagination. As you decorate, proceed from the finest embellishments to the coarsest, adding glitter, then beads in order of size.
Spread craft glue over the area you wish to decorate.
While glue is still wet, sprinkle with glitter or beads, holding the ornaments over a bowl as you work; tap off any excess.
Wait for the first area to dry completely [at least 30 mins] before repeating the previous steps on another section of the ornament.
Thread a lenght of ribbon through the ornament's hole and knot. Once you take the ornaments off the tree, store them, wrapped individually in tissue paper, in a cool, dry place.
template here
Images and project source


  1. Wow - they look amazing. Love how they have a cinnamon scent. The glitter makes for a pretty touch.

  2. and cinnamon must be my favorite kinda smell an all'round winner!


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