
05 December 2011

DIY Snowflake Wreath

Christmas is coming our way:: A crafty project a day!

You will need:
• craft sticks or popsicle/lollipop sitcks
• small wooden or cardboard discs
• white craft paint {or spray}
• glue gun
• glitter (optional)

one:: firstly, arrange the craft sticks on the floor so you can shape your snowflake – use this pattern, or any of the ones below as guidance – or make up your own!
two:: Glue the ticks together
three:: place the discs over the angles and glue those too.
four:: paint and let dry.
five:: if you wish to add glitter, add it while the paint is still wet (they'll stick to the wet paint).

image source

Unless otherwise stated images and project are courtesy of The Ballard Bunch.

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