
27 December 2011

{Recipe} Chocolate Truffles or 'Brigadeiro'

image source

So you need to bring along something to your New Year's Eve party, you need a quick recipe for something delicious, sweet + chocolaty which is bite sized too - look no further!

Chocolate truffles are known worldwide, under different guises and names, with differing secret ingredients, but this.... this here is my one!

'Brigadeirinho' as my dear friend from Brazil calls them. You may have your own recipe variation somewhere in a kitchen drawer, this I got from my first childhood recipe book and, even though I sometimes try others, I keep coming back to this same trusted one. So feel free to leave your comment if yours are definitely different!

You will need:
200gr chocolate
100gr sugar
100gr butter
1 egg yolk
50gr cocoa

one:: break the chocolate and melt it on a small bowl on a bath - pan of boiling water in the hob.
two :: in a separate bowl mix the soft butter with the sugar.
three :: add the egg yolk to this mixture.
four :: mix it all very well and when the chocolate has cooled down add it to the mixture too.
five :: now, with a spoon {or ice cream scoop!} mold the little balls of chocolate.
six :: roll them in the cocoa. Take them to the fridge to get set.
Additionally you can add a few sprinkles of icing sugar for a seasonal 'snowed in' look!



  1. Pippa (sorry, I don´t write in english very well), I´ve been reading your blog for a long time and I´m lovin´ it! I´m from Brazil and I think it´s so cool you like it :-) Our "brigadeiro" is a kind of different for this, but there´s no the main ingredient in US I suppose. Then your recipe is amazing! In my blog you can find a homemade "condensed milk" recipe, the "main ingredient" for "brigadeiro" :-) A happy New Year and hugs!
    Adri - Casa, Coisas e Sabores

  2. this really sounds yummy
    definitely going to make it
    thanks for sharing

  3. Adri, fiquei curiosa com sua receita comleite condensado. Vou dar uma espreitada e experiementar! Obrigada pela dica xx

  4. Pippa, você é brasileira ou aprendeu português? De qualquer forma, meu inglês meia boca foi à toa, rs. O leite condensado caseiro fica muito bom, e é um jeito de ter seus brigadeiros originais se não tiver acesso ao industrializado :-) Beijos!

  5. Adri; Portugues é a minha migua materna embora que meio enferrujada! Nunca experimentei leite condensado caseiro, compro sempre o de lata...mas tenho que tentar fazer, deifinitivamente - parece ser uma delicia. Obrigada pela dica! x


I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas - thanks for your support!