
19 December 2011

Sodade of Cesária Évora

Oh what sad news: the cultural & musical world have lost a diva {the ‘Barefoot Diva’} and the Portuguese speaking world has lost a Mother.

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Cesária Évora started singing in the bayside bars of her native Cape Verde in the 1950s and won a Grammy in 2003 after she took her African islands’ music to the world stages.

She mostly sang in her version of the Creole spoken in Cape Verde and was the soul to the ‘morna’, the islands’ national music - a slight version of an African ‘Fado’ - and she was 'our' {the Portuguese speaking world} own Billie Holliday.

Here is one of her most beautiful songs. Even if you can't understand the lyrics I'm sure you will be moved by the depth and beat of the music and her stirring rendition and unpretentious voice.

Cesária Évora 1941 - 2011

Cesária always made sure she was home, in Mindelo, for Christmas - this year is no exception; may she rest in Peace.

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