
04 January 2012

...the moment has come!

The dreaded moment is arriving... when you have to take down the lights, the baubles, the tree.
Christmas is such a magical time of the year, the build up to it just gets us all worked up with happiness {or is that just me?} and the home looks so much more cozy and inviting, filled with the Yuletide cheer - but, as with all holiday time, the blues come in, and it's finally time to take it all down, patiently waiting for next year.

The good thing is... we now have a whole year ahead, full of promise and hope.
Let's make the best of it, hey!

images:: one | two 


  1. È bem verdade! Adoro esta fase de inicio de um novo ano, há tanta esperança , sonhos e projectos!

  2. So beautiful your post! So true!!

  3. In Germany we keep the tree up until 6th January, as that's when the three kings came (apparently) it feels like Christmas is much longer. I've lit the candles (yes real candles :-)) again tonight after seeing your post it's in your honour!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Hi Anna, that's so nice of you! Thank you x
    In Portugal we have the same tradition, I just guess that in our 'cozy' house in England the clutter {and children} make xmas a shorter affair!


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