
05 March 2013

revamp your dresser :: part II

In an age of 'mend and make do'...or maybe shall I say simply in an age for the love of vintage and respect for the older things, those with characteristic, age and soul - we like to preserve and take care of our surroundings...and to my honest opinion, that's how it should always be.

So if you haven't seen part I of this post, here's another change :: see the link {here} for previous ideas.

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Add your favourite collection of decor papers, wrapping paper, magazine cuttings and wallpapers to the outside of the drawers, for interest and texture.

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Stencil it or paint a favourite pattern.

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Add a bright colour and revamp the handles for a contemporary look.
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A new pastel colour as a finish - a pop of light into a room.

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{my favourite} chalkboard paint which you can write on and easily erase, for an infinite world of possibilites and fun information+instructions!

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...or a different colour to each drawer for a fun clean look.

Do you have a favourite? Has this inspire you?

I surely hope so. Drop me a comment if you're taking on {or just finished} a revamp like these.


1 comment:

  1. I love the last one. Wonderful ideas. Thanks for sharing Filipa.


I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas - thanks for your support!