
25 March 2013

weekend wonder :: white + blue

I did tell you that I have been away for the weekend. I did get a few good photos from that, but before sharing those weekend photos with you I am posting these three {white + blue} images from where I live!

The center of Portugal, right in the heart of Ribatejo...for a lover of the colour blue {like me} this can be a little bit like paradise, well, at least the sunshine does not disappoint!

From the blue skies, the deep blue bands on the walls to the turquoise window shutters...ooh I'm in heaven, in rustic blue heaven.

all images by me


  1. Lindas imagens, Filipa! Eu amo a luz de Portugal. Lisboa é minha segunda casa!
    Tenha uma ótima semana!


  2. I love these photos! Your hometown looks BEAUTIFUL! Can't wait to see the photos from your trip.


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