
05 April 2013

music :: clara engel

Glad to introduce you to a super talented and beautiful lady, an independent musician singer/songwriter from Toronto with the world at her feet : Clara Engel.

You should easily fall in love with her voice, it is magical and instantly takes you somewhere else...somewhere you always wanted to be.

The lyrics are powerful and melodic, a great combination to set you off to a great weekend, don't you think?

You can also see/hear Clara {here} at a live performance of her title: 'Heaven and Hell'
Clara is currently working on her new album to be released later this year. She is 'crowdfunding' to get the album finished, so you can lend her a hand too! {here}
Find Clara Engel on facebook and myspace.
Have a great weekend!
:: image source:: photos by Andrew Masuda, Morgan Yew and Owen Silver.

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