
10 April 2013

{new order} spring apples for anaya

One of the latest orders from my Etsy store:
Sweet, Juicy and Colourful apples for a little princess named Anaya.

Here they are in all their splendour...I hope you like them!

And as I was taking these photos from a little old cabin in the garden, here's the view from the window.

It was a little after lunchtime and the sun was up...great view, don't you think?!

Have a great day!

Visit my etsy store {here} or see more blog posts about my products {here}

:: image source :: all photos by me


  1. Oi, Filipa! Que gracinha esse quadro! Adorei!
    Que bom que o sol já está chegando por aí! Linda vista você tem!
    Bem, por aqui, é sempre sol, como você pode imaginar! :-)

    1. Oh Obrigada Rosa Paula! E sim, acredito que ai o sol brilhe constantemente...que inveja :)


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