
08 April 2013

{weekend wonder} montemor-o-novo

In the center of Portugal, right in the heart of the beautiful and calm plains of the Alentejo province, lies a city called Montemor-o-Novo.

This was my first ever visit to this quiet and very charismatic place; a city overlooked by an ancient castle...and obviously, as you may expect, with tremendous views!

On the way there, and by the road side, there's a protected village for storks.

I don't think I will see many of these around, and was amazed. It has a sort of power and beauty only nature can conquer {even though it's man-made}.

Also...obviously, as the storks were home, the photo was 'a must'...easy!

The church with a red heart right above its clock, and the amazing colours on the older buildings.

The beauty of the olive trees, one of the symbols of the Alentejo.

I was carrying my personal weapon : my fascination for little details and especially the many amazing and intricate 'doors and windows' - you can tell I had a 'ball' that day.

It was in the old part of the town that I found the most amazing doorsteps.
Who wouldn't love a door like one of these {particularly the one on the right with a vase of swans}?

View from the castle to the vast Alentejo countryside.

I hope you liked the photos.

Most of these {and many others} are on my instagram account, so if you're on it...don't forget to come and say 'hi!'

:: image source :: all photos by me

1 comment:

  1. Lindas fotos! Também sou apaixonada por portas e janelas antigas e trabalhadas. Na última vez em Lisboa comprei várias fotos assim!
    Tenha uma ótima semana!
    Le Paquet


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