
31 December 2013

2014 at the door

It's a new year. It's time to start again.
Stop thinking about what you're going to do and start doing it.
It's time to live your life and be who you are.
Forget about whatever happened in 2013 and just move on. Take risks and be yourself, you only have one life, and it's time to make the most of it.
Make a new year's resolution and this time achieve it no matter what the cost is.
Get rid of expectations, what will be tomorrow or next month, get focused in enjoying the moment without thinking too much, that's where the magic happens.
Live the present, less feet on the past that depresses you, more distance from the future that brings anxiety. After all, the 'now' is the only time alive in our existence - the past is memory, the future is speculation.
Enjoy the beauty of now, be happy.

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