
09 December 2013

lately...on {my} instagram

Well, lately on Instagram I have been loading older photos. Those that linger on your phone and somehow you forget all about them, the kind that they're too nice to erase and not that good to be 'instagram' material right know, those kind of ones!

I say 'old' as in a couple of months... so not that long, and still relevant.

The greens and blues of the Portuguese 'Ribatejo' countryside...and its vast skies!
I love the photo of the old man resting outside his picturesque house, by the cross.

The skies are falling, the winds are calling.

These woods are just amazing, I love how the sky was so grey and heavy although there was a light, a brightness which contrasted perfectly with the darkness inside, as if calling us to a pitch black unknown.

I also added a 'selfie'....I usually don't do them {although I have decided to do it more now} which was then featured on the daily instagram picks by instagrammers portugal {@igersportugal}. I was stoked {and honoured}!!

A visit to the brick stoves and factory; a church on top of a hill; and, an extremely colourful leaf.

I confess I fell blessed as I am one of those people who are daily graced with the kindness of strangers. It's true, and I hope never to lose the ability to see those tiny little gifts the universe throws at me and always be grateful for them.

Maybe it just comes to compensate the injustices and mistreats I have endured by close(r) ones. Who knows!

So this beautiful pomegranate was just one of those things, a colleague brought it in her handbag just for me, that morning. So sweet!

In Golega, Ribatejo {of Portugal} there is this magnificent Victorian house that was also the studio of Carlos Relvas. It is now the county's museum of photography.

I particularly loved all the details over the windows and the streetlamps.

I once designed {and painted} a marvellous chicken coup. And yes, that was also a photo of the first egg.

The house on the slope; and a flower within flowers.

The road that looks like it has been there forever; and sunset over the river.

The streets of Santarem in Autumn, filled with the hazy smoke of roasted chestnuts.

And, last but not least, my little baby boy was four!

As his birthday fell on a weekday he had two little parties {the lucky one!} one at school with his pals, and one at home with family and close friends. I suppose it is official, I no longer have a toddler....but let's pretend for just a little while more.

I hope you enjoyed this little peek into my 'home'.

To see all of these photos, and many more, follow: @filipal on instagram.

Pippa, xoxo

1 comment:

  1. não fosse agora tão "lately", estava capaz de sair de casa e ir buscar meia-duzia de castanhas ali aquela senhora e vinha a saboreá-las até casa, (é coisa para demorar 10 minutos)... :) tb adoro o cheiro daquela rua nesta altura do ano. lindas fotografias!!


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