
11 February 2014

in love with...tipis!

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Yes we are in LOVE with TIPIs {or tippees}.

The whole 'trend', if you may so call it, originates from the love of geometrics in particular the triangular patterns, which consequently embraced the neo-native 'indiana', directly onto tipis and getting back into the wild! a very Boho way.

These fantastic looking creations have a structural design based on simplicity, and are older than any of us.... so in practice they must work.
Besides that...who, as a child, didn't love to play 'tents'? Some of us still do!

A cozy little world where you can {pretend to} hide from it all, feel secure and nested...on your own terms.

So the tipis present, not just a lovely looking shape, they add colour, texture and help with the whole room 'flow' - and the kids will be ecstatic, for sure!
They are immensely versatile as beds, day beds, a reading nook or just a plain simple play area.

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 I particularly love these striped ones...I do fancy me lots and lots of stripes...always!

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All these above as examples of how they really look good in a child's room.

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You can also make a more simplified design with a single bed sheet or piece of material hanged from a pole, to take the triangular shape...simple as that!

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If you feel adventurous {and jealous of the children!} you can take the tipi into your own living room. These are great examples of tipis for adults!

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A truly d.i.y. home: a sofa-bed custom made from wood pallettes and tippee made by soul craft zone.

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Take it outdoors and keep the children busy during the sunnier months of the year. This particular tipi has wooden beads threaded between each pole for even spacing.

Buy 'A Teepee to Call your Own' at The Land of Nod here {link}

Make this d.i.y. NO SEW tipi for under $30 by 'We Lived Happily Everafter'
find the tutorial here {link}
So, did you fall in love? Got any ideas and inspiration?


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