
25 March 2014

instagram love....@carlaoliveirasousa


You know I´m a big Instagram addict, it is possibly my favourite social media gadget. And since I am always immersed and mesmerised by the talent in there, I have decided to share it with you here too.

I will be showing you a glimpse into some amazing Instagram photographers, or plain people like you and me, who just have a great eye and show us their own in their unique and fascinating way.

I start this feature today with this beautiful feminine personal view by @carlaoliveirasousa.
I hope you like it, and if you´re on instagram please take a look at all her other pics and follow her, if you like!...If you are not on Instagram you can take a look here.

So...if you have an instagram account and would like me to take a look at your feed to be featured, drop me a line....or nominate someone who´s photos you love.


1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this feature Pippa. Really honored by it :)


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