
14 June 2014

lavender infused lemonade

Now that the weather is becoming warmer, and since lavender is easier to find (have you not seen my photos from my last weekend wonder? See them here now.) it’s definitely time to get those gorgeous plants into action and make us some delicious, cold drinks!

I have found this great recipe for a lavender infused lemonade on the Cocorrina blog. It had some magnificent photos too…it is indeed a delicious and beautifully looking refreshment. 

Shall we try it this weekend?

how to 

In a bowl, put one cup of sugar, and a handful of lavender blossoms. Add 2 cups of boiling water and stir constantly until it melts. Cover with a napkin or a plate and let it rest for 30 min. It is not advisable to leave it any longer than the 30 minutes as lavender tends to get really intense and you'll end up feeling like you're drinking medicine.

Strain the lavender infused simple syrup and stir into a jug. Add 2 cups of soda (fizzy water) and 1 cup of lemon juice. Aesthetically, It will look a little bit like lemonade, so for the beautiful lavender colour, try adding 1 teaspoon of grenadine with 4 teaspoons blue curaƧao – or test it until you get the right shade.

Have a great and relaxing weekend...hopefully enjoying the sunshine with a glass of lavender lemonade!

:: image source and recipe :: Cocorrina blog

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