
16 July 2014

free facebook cover photo

free facebook cover photo
(click image for larger size)

Hi friends, are you already enjoying your holidays? Or still waiting?

As it is the height of Summer here, in Portugal, most people are starting to take on the bliss of their summer vacation.
Others, are coming back and going through the 'vacation blues', and others only get to dream it...stuck somewhere in an office.
Whether a vacation, an escape, a wonderlust, a dream...we all navigate mentally somewhere sometimes, is it?!
It is with me!

So that was the inspiration for this free facebook cover photo which you can add to your personal profile and share it around. I have used it on my profile and somehow it got to be spread around (or as they say ´'it got viral'!) I thought that you might like it too.

This is for you, whom, like me, sometimes navigate out of your phisical constraints and (freely) mentally travel somewhere else.

The cover photo was also inspired by a song, which you can listen below. The image was simply taken from it.
This song is part of my springtime playlist which I will also share with you soon, and one of the ones I've been listening to a lot lately.

Hope you enjoy both the cover and the tune!

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