
26 August 2014

kid's rooms :: black is back

I'm sure, the past few days, you have been hit with the fact that the summer holidays are almost over and it's time to immerse yourself in back-to-school mode. Maybe the time on your hands of getting back to 'normality' and a life without kids 24/7 has given you thoughts for they're a year older, or getting into 'big' school is a reason to change their bedroom look to suit their new found 'grown' confidence.

This week, I have been taking a look at a few 'looks' for kid's rooms and found these great ideas using black.

It isn't a first choice colour when talking about children's rooms (or you may not even consider it in any other room at all, for that matter!)...but just take a look how great these are, and how they so totally work.

The colour is played down blissfully with lots of white and an almost scandinavian simplicity and charm. You can add pops of colour for vibrance...or not. I hope you feel trully inspired by them!

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Pippa xoxo

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