
26 September 2014

recommended :: the grand budapest hotel

If, like me, you are a bugger for the beauty of simmetry, you then need to check Wes Anderson's latest masterpiece.
As a faithful fan of the man himself, every of his films really truly move me - in every sense - so this latest one wouldn't be any different.
Its richness of characters, colour palette, camera movements and always brilliant photography make it an experience in itself, which goes alongside the peculiar character-rich existentialist story .

As usual it offers us a golden cast, some of which are a recurring choice for the director - you have been accustomed to them, you have loved them that many often.. But I will leave you to it - for more information please see the IMDB's link...and make yourself the favor to check it out this weekend (or as soon as you can!).

Have a great weekend.
Pippa xoxo

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