
02 October 2014


Did you get to see the last post 'these old hands'? If you haven't then take a look (here).
If you have you will know that, I have recently been invited to photograph a residential and care home for the elderly, where a good old friend works.

It was a very moving experience, as you might imagine. More than a photographic session, being there as an observer and reporter of images, I got to feel the emotions, the care, the attention, the compassion and empathy between the elderly and the staff - and that between the elderly and their piers.

Old age is like that, make us, younger beings, dive deeply into introspection (at least, it does to me), into a complete state of empathy and love for what was and what is...and most specially, for what will be.

These portraits translate the memories and bonds of a day, a single day, where I was just a spectator. More than mere photographs of the people there, for me, they captured much more than that - the feelings that binds us all, in the end.

Thank you to all those that made that day so terribly special!


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