
03 November 2014

november 2014 desktop calendar

november 2014 desktop calendar (design one) || strokes
click image for larger size
november 2014 desktop calendar (design two) || moustache month
click image for larger size 
Hello sweeties, here we are again in a brand new month.

I have designed two FREE calendars for you, to celebrate the grand month of November, so just click the image for a larger size and save it as your desktop image.

The first design I wanted to add soft toned-down colours, something earthy and that would reflect the approaching changing season - from autumn to winter - so I got inspired by last week's inspirational post 'archipelago of kisses'.

The second one is self explanatory, it is the month where (in the UK at least!) the gentleman are invited not to shave since day 1 on behalf of men's health, participating either alone or in teams whilst raising money for charity (if you would like to know more please check Movember's website here). But don't despair if you think that suddenly the world will be filled with grizzly bears everywhere....they shave back on the 30th of November for a clean lean face ready for the month of Christmas.

Please pick your calendar, let me know which is your favourite and feel free to share...let's hope it's a good month for all of us (with or without the beard)!


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