
01 December 2014

december 2014 desktop calendar

free desktop calendar december 2014
december 2014 calendar . paper cranes
click the image for an enlarged view

And so we slip into December (already!). 
How quick this year went, right?! 
As usual I concoct a few lovely desktop calendars to celebrate the new months and share them with you. In December we will have three (yes, three!) designs so I hope you like them.

This first design with the paper cranes is to end the year as we started. Do you remember the calendar for January (see it here)? So it goes that the cranes are a symbol of happiness and prosperity, of eternal luck... so that's the best way to end the year and get ready for a brand new one, don't you think?

december 2014 desktop calendar . trees
click the image for an enlarged view

You only need to pick your favourite design, click for an enlarged view and save it as your background image. Your computer will look beautiful throughout December, I promise (wink, wink)!

december 2014 desktop calendar . cones
click the image for an enlarged view
Wishing you a great month of December, filled with the right tools to take into 2015!



1 comment:

I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas - thanks for your support!